Tuesday, 5 February 2008


Today I'm writing about an 'issue' that is dividing the nation. Such is so that it has become apparent that something must be done to stop it. We see it on the front pages of such noteable broadsheets as The Express and The Mail everyday. We fear for our communities, our job security and our national identities. Everyday we are faced with losing part of our country to a mass influx of strange people with strange faces. Many young families are now too afraid to go outside their homes in case they are confronted with these horrid 'alien' like creatures, barking their homegrown nonsense speak across to eachother in busy shopping malls and town squares. It has also been confirmed recently that the rumours are true: they are even setting up their own businesses!
Many of you have I'm sure already guessed of whom I'm referring to. That's right.. ORANGE PEOPLE. yes, ORANGE PEOPLE!. I'm talking about people like this: (viewer discretion is advised)

What is going on with civilised society when we allow our men and women to parade themselves in such a way? Seriousley, my eyes are offended daily by these monstrosities. As I walk down the street I find myself repeatedly ducking out the way of a giant orange beacon hurtling along the pavement, gabbing on her mobile in a tone of voice that can only be compared to a seagul choking on a battered sausage. God Almighty!

So I'm writing this article as a manifesto:

No more will we have to fight for our own culture in our own country!
No more will we feel uncomfortable taking our own children out of the house at the weekend or to pick them up from school during the week.
No more will have to come face to face with these monsters!
We will rise up with our God given right as Englishmen to deride, humiliate and socially ostricize those who stand out from the rest, and see it to them that they never tarnish the aesthetic pleasures of our urban landscape again!
I thankyou

1 comment:

La Grande Bidouilleuse said...

Well I think the bitch is on top of the list :