Wednesday 12 December 2007

First post on man vs squirrel

Now then bitches,

Welcome to Man vs Squirrel!

First of all, the reason for the seemingly random name, in a nutshell (get it?): randomness, the realisation that squirrels are actually quite evil and finally, frustation that all my other selections were already in use (damn you blogger).

So there you have it. Any questions?

OK then, I'll proceed.

So I'm sat by my computer listening to Andrew Bird and eating some cheese. It's Christmas time and the turkey is getting plump. I don't feel Christmassy yet as the house doesn't smell like pine and I'm not drunk. I am thinking about success. Here is a picture of a successful man I found on google:

I think the image says it all.
Which leads me to think about my current life situation as well as the last couple of years. You see, I've just returned from many different countries and now find myself working two extremely bad jobs. Bad in the sense that you certainly wouldn't associate them with the man above. Not that I'm punching above my weight or anything. All I'm saying is that I didn't really spend three years at university to spend half my week selling tinned steak to people that don't know if the steak inside the tin is cooked or not and the other half telling 12 year olds to be quiet while Fred Claus is on.
So I thought I'd write.
About music. About film. About travel. About successful men and women. About the relation between my jobs and the junk I consume on the internet. About food. About other stupid shit.
There you have it.
Here's a video of a drunk squirrel. HA!

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